Drawsome! Let’s Draw Something Awesome (Together)

By November 7, 2013 Drawsome! No Comments
Drawsome How To Draw

Well today is an “awesome” day because I’m officially launching Drawsome! which stands for “(Let’s) Draw Something Awesome“. Ha! I still laugh when I hear the name I gave it. I hear you say “That’s great Byron, really fantastic, but what does it all mean?“. Great question my friend and I’m really glad you asked that. For a while now I’ve wanted to do a monthly drawing theme on the site, as suggested by one of our awesome Facebook friends. As a community we pick a theme each month followed by each of us drawing any character from that particular theme in our own style. At the end of the month we will come together and present it on the site to each other and marvel in the amazing things we’ve all created.

So How Will It Work?

Let me use an example of how this will work.

Each month on the Facebook page I’ll ask for suggestions on themes for the upcoming month. Once I have a number of suggestions I’ll create a survey and the highest voted theme will be chosen for the next month. When a theme is chosen each of you will select a character from that theme to draw for the month (it might not take you that long).

I’ve chosen a monthly theme at this point because I understand that everybody is busy and I want to make sure that everyone has the time, to submit their theme character, without feeling pressured by short time periods. I’m open to suggestion though and will base it around what everybody would prefer.

Let me just backtrack for a second because maybe you’re wondering what a theme might be?

A theme could be anything that contains a group of characters for drawing. For example the theme might be Super Nintendo characters or 90’s based video game characters or even Dragonball Z characters just to name a few. Really the theme can be anything we want it to be and the more creative it is the more fun we’re going to have. As mentioned, when the theme is chosen each of you will pick the character you want to draw from the theme and present it at the end of the month.

This is really important guys because by using a theme it gives you the freedom to draw a character that interests you. Nobody wants to be forced to draw a character that they have no interest in drawing. Honestly guys, I’m REALLY excited to start doing and I how you can see how “Drawsome!” this is going to be!

Why Should I Do This?

Maybe you’re still wondering why you should do this and I totally understand. Time is money and in our hectic lives it’s sometimes difficult to find the time you need. This is the same when it comes to learning how to draw and making kick ass characters but reality shows that if you don’t find the time to practice it’s going to be really hard to improve.

In fact, watching YouTube videos and reading books on how to draw is only the first step in improving and can only get you so far on its own. If you really want to improve then you need to practice drawing, and practice some more and then practice some more again. Drawsome! is the perfect companion to your other ways of learning because it provides you with an awesome community of people to inspire you and at the same time giving you every reason to pick up the pencil and continue to practice!

This is the kind of activity that you want to do with a group of friends so make sure you invite your friends to come over and check out the site and get them involved in the action too. The more the merrier as they say and simply because more people = more fun!

What Do You Get Out Of This?

Wow, seriously guys, you ask some tough questions! At this point you’re probably wondering whether prizes are involved and whether you have the chance to win anything. At this point I’m still coming up with some ideas on how I can have some fun in this area. I’m only one person and the site is only just starting to find its legs but I really hope to offer you something you’ll love in the future. I don’t want to over commit myself at this point but I’m hoping that, starting from the first month, there will be something on offer for you guys to give you a little bit more incentive.

In the meantime, while I’m organizing that side of things, the absolute most important thing you’re going to get out of all this is the practice you need to rocket fuel your skills and see your talent blast out of the pack. Each of the visitors on this site will have different levels of skills, some will be more experienced and some will be less. That’s what is so fantastic about it all because you’ll be able to rapidly improve, by listening to the more experienced artists, while at the same time mentor any artists that are below your level. Help them out like you would have loved to have been helped when you started.

So Let’s Draw Something Awesome!

Come on what the hell is all this jibber jabber! There is no time to stand around talking, we could be drawing something awesome already. I’ll be asking for theme suggestions over on the Facebook page today so make sure you get along and visit the page and please follow us if you haven’t already. Once I feel I have enough theme suggestions I’ll create a survey on this site and we’ll get started as soon as brief voting period has completed.

So what do you think should be the first theme?


Oh, One Final Thing..

Finally I wanted to let you know guys about an awesome little tool I’ve been working hard on for you guys. It’s called the the Ultimate Cartoon Starter Kit which is free to anyone that subscribes to ToonsAnimeManga.com. It’s a collection of all the amazing things I’ve found since starting on my journey to draw awesome cartoons. If you’re looking to rapidly improve your skills like I have been trying to do then you can’t pass up a free kit that will kickstart your cartoons. If you don’t want to miss out on this then make sure you sign up below.

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About Byron

Byron is a nerd with a passion for video games, animated movies, manga, anime and anything japan. He has an unstoppable desire to learn how to draw cartoons, anime & manga.

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