Boo! It’s Trick or Treat time again and it must be your [tooltip text=”Do you feel lucky punk? Well… do ya?'” placement=”top”]lucky day[/tooltip] because today I have a treat for you guys. This week I hunted the entire [tooltip text=”That means YouTube” placement=”top”]intergalactic universe[/tooltip] and I’ve compiled the absolute best of the best videos, that are on YouTube, for drawing Halloween Cartoons. It seems that our friend Jack Skellington, from the Nightmare Before Christmas movie, is a very, very popular skeleton!
In case you missed some of my earlier YouTube lists then make sure you check out Top 5 How to Draw Manga Channels on Youtube and Top 15 YouTube Channels on How To Draw Comics because if you like this list, you’re going to love those too!
Just like the previous posts guys if you click on the name of the artist you’ll be taken to their channel. Make sure you say thanks if you love what they do and subscribe to their videos if you want to see more. So without further delay, let’s get to it!
Draw With Jazza
Once again Jazza and his incredibly awesome channel is featured again on this site. This week Jazza shows us his speed painting of Jack Skellington and follows it up nicely with a How to Draw Dracula video!
Mark Crilley
Mark is back again with another awesome Halloween video showing us step by step how to create an awesome and friendly looking Witch. I really liked this video because Mark shows us how you can craft a pose just by using a stick figure. He then shows us the way he builds up the anatomy around that stick figure. Finding a kick ass pose for your character doesn’t have to be complicated but it makes a huge difference.
Illustration Overdose
Illustration Overdose are the new kids on the block when it comes to How To Draw videos on YouTube. Don’t let that fool you however because the quality videos that Donnie Ray Crisp is pushing out is seriously something you’ve got to see! This week Illustration Overdose describe their Halloween drawing as “An insane mix of Pumpkin, Frankenstein and a Scarecrow“. So it’s time for you to meet “Crow-Frankenstein!”
Cartoon Block
Evan returns to my top list again with one of his older videos that he uploaded all the way back in 2010. Jack Skellington again features in this awesome How to Draw video. You’ll see Evan use his trusty Prismacolor pencils, which feature in most of his videos, instead of the digital approach seen above.
This is the first time I’ve featured Facedrawer on my site but this video was simply too awesome not to post. I love Minions from the movie Despicable Me and seeing a vampire Minion was all kinds of fun! The second video is an anamorphic drawing of a Zombie hand which might be a cool thing to do for any Halloween parties you have.
Jack Skellington featured again and this time Proko created his version. One thing that you can learn from Proko is the way that he holds his pencil. He advises beginners to draw from the shoulder instead of the wrist which allows a wider and looser range of motion. Towards the end when you need finer detail, he mentions, you can hold it the way you would if you were writing. Great advice and something I’ve been hearing more about lately.
Ucan Draw
On man this video makes me laugh. Stephen gets super excited when he’s drawing and even proclaims he’s eaten too much candy before he started creating this video. It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement and I really think that all of us should be feel like this when we’re drawing. Drawing awesome characters is serious FUN guys, don’t take it too seriously guys, just enjoy it and keep learning.
Marcello Barenghi
The final video for today comes from an Italian artist called Marcello Barenghi. Marcello does some amazing realism paintings and in this particular video draws a Halloween pumpkin which is so real it probably saves him lots of money on buying pumpkins each year!
It’s Trick or Treat Time
So there you have it guys, my treat to you guys this coming Halloween. I hope you created some awesome Halloween cartoons and really had some fun with this time of year. I’m in Australia and Halloween is only just starting to take off and gain some momentum here. I’ll be sure to have some candy ready for any tricksters that come along my way.
Now I know there are millions of videos on YouTube on how to draw a ghost, a pumpkin or the many other types of Halloween cartoons but it’s about quality not quantity at ToonsAnimeManga.com. I’ll only recommend a video to you guys if I think it’s worthy of your attention! In saying that however if you know of any awesomely amazing videos, that you feel deserve to be on this page, then just shoot me a comment below.
As always friends make sure you head on over and ‘Like’ the ToonsAnimeManga Facebook page and Follow me on Twitter. If you loved this post then make sure you hit the share button below because ‘Sharing is Caring’ and I love you guys for it. Well that’s it, what are you guys still doing here? Get out there and get Trick or Treating and start scaring your parents!
Hey Byron (mate),
thanks a lot for supporting my YouTube channel. I feel honored to be in a top-ten list beside other amazing YouTube artists!!!
There is another rising star which deserves way more attention. I love her style, her videos, voice and commentary :D. Check out here Halloween special: http://youtu.be/e0oM6hZ9V4s
Thanks for stopping by Donnie, your video was a real stand out so you deserve to be in the list. Really nice find on the YouTube video too. I missed that artist but that’s definitely worthy of being on this page. Thanks again mate.