Drawsome! February Results

By March 13, 2014 Drawsome! 2 Comments

Welcome to your Drawsome! February results where once again I get to showcase the talent that has arrived on the doorsteps of ToonsAnimeManga.com. It’s a humbling moment when I see the experience and talent increase of those that participate every month and take part in the Community forums.

February shows the increase of everyone’s workload as we travel deeper into 2014 and we all struggle to find time for our artwork around the hectic lifestyles we all live. It doesn’t matter if you’re knee deep in school work or working full time everyone can struggle with inspiration at the end of a long day. The great thing about Drawsome! however is that it can inspire you to continue drawing and it gives you a date to work towards every month and ensure you keep on drawing.

Although the entries are smaller for this month the overall interaction on ToonsAnimeManga.com, and across our social media websites, continues to improve. Whether you’re up or down with your artwork one thing is always certain is that ToonsAnimeManga.com will always be waiting for you when you’re ready to level up your art!

So it’s time, let’s see the results and announce the second winner!

Your February Winner is…..

Last month we announced to first ever winner of Drawsome! and this month it’s time to announce our second winner! If you want to know who this month is however then you’ll just have to watch the following video.

** This month is a short and sweet video as I’m living with friends and it’s a challenge for me to find a space and environment to setup the microphone. I hope that next month will be back to normal.

About Byron

Byron is a nerd with a passion for video games, animated movies, manga, anime and anything japan. He has an unstoppable desire to learn how to draw cartoons, anime & manga.


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